Clare’s Missionary (CM) is the missionary arm of Clare’s Enrichment Corner. Clare’s Missionary, an affiliate of CHARIS is based on the concept of Christ in the Marketplace. Jesus must be made flesh in the hearts and lives of people, so we need to be among the needy, the lonely and the unloved in order to bring Jesus’ love to them.

Those who do not know Christ will probably not step into a church but they may stop by a shop in their neighbourhood. Hence, operating from a shop unit is where Clare’s Missionary comes in – bringing Christ into people’s daily lives.
This place embodies the twin spirit of service and evangelisation. Clare’s Missionary is focused on helping needy and dysfunctional families through education assistance and tuition sponsorship in their humble centre, Clare’s Enrichment Corner, Blk 731, Yishun St 72, #01-31, S760731.

- Free English Reading Class for children who need help in reading on Sundays.
- Free Story Telling Class, Bible Story Class as well as Care for Creation Class.
- Free Ukulele class for adult learners
- A Thrift Corner

For overseas outreach, Clare;s Missionary collaborates with the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, FSIC, Sabah. It supports the evangelisation efforts of the Franciscan sisters by organising mission trips to the indigenous communities.

In addition, Clare’s Missionary collaborates with the Archdiocesan Human Development Commission, Kota Kinabalu, the Archdiocesan Creation Justice Commission, Kota Kinabalu, the clergy of the Kota Kinabalu and Keningau Dioceses as well as the Lay Volunteers from Sabah and Labuan.

English in Camp
Touching Life
Care for Creation

As always, we pray for more missioners to join our mission. If you feel inspired to come and see, we invite you to email us and we shall be in contact with you. Email: claresmissionary@gmail.com

Mission: Be a Living Gospel
Motto: In Loving Joyful Service